And Hobbes draws from this startling conclusion, in many ways the infamous conclusion that the sovereign can never act unjustly. 霍布斯从他自己的,这一声名狼藉的结论中得出另一观点,即君主不可能永远做到公正。
They see God's plan with Israel conditioned upon human choice, while God's plan for salvation within the church is ultimately a sovereign act of God. 他们认为神对以色列的计划乃是根据人的选择,而神对教会的救赎机会至终是神主权的行动。
Another G20 official told the FT that a sovereign debt implosion would be Act IV in the financial and economic crisis. 另一位G20官员告诉英国《金融时报》,主权债务内爆将是本次金融和经济危机的第四幕。
Some countries believe that sovereign wealth funds can act as stabilizers in the financial turmoil. The country use sovereign wealth funds to stabilize their financial so that saving their national capital meanwhile reducing the volatility of financial markets. 一些国家认为主权财富基金能在金融动荡中充当稳定器的作用,利用主权财富基金国家的财富稳定本国金融,以达到节省本国资本同时减少金融市场波动的目的。
It is stated in this thesis that extradition is a national and sovereign act. The requesting state and requested state should be proceeding subjects. And the criminal who received prosecution and conviction is the proceeding object. 文中认为引渡既然为主权行为、国家行为,那么其程序主体应当明确为请求国和被请求国,客体则必须是将受刑事追诉或受判决定罪的人。